What do Carmelites do?

“You must have some sort of work to do.”
(Rule, number 20)

As a contemplative brotherhood, Carmelites seek the face of God also in the heart of the world. Carmel knows itself to be a living part of the Church and of history.

Our Rule recommends that we always work but doesn’t stipulate what kind of work. It leaves us to discern together what kind of work we do in the confidence that the work we choose will be in fact the work of God’s Kingdom.

Jesus said to them,
“My Father is always at his work to this very day,
and I too am working.”
John 5:17

Consequently, living “in the midst of the people”, Carmelites have traditionally found a large variety of ways to offer their service to the local Churches. This is done in accordance with our charism and with the needs of the time and of the place in which Carmelites find themselves.

While it is difficult to have a comprehensive list of the work that Carmelites undertake, Carmelites undertake the running of Shrines, parishes, centres of spirituality, schools and youth ministry, educational institutions and work for justice, peace and the integrity of creation.