A Novena by the Province of Australia and Timor Leste:

The Province of Australia and Timor-Leste has made available nine days of prayer intentions which will be available online throughout the year. The prayer intentions are directed at  the needs of people throuhout the world.

Access the Novena here

Weekly Reflections from the British Province:

Beginning on July 10, the British Province will be posting a weekly reflection on Carmelite Spirituality focusing on different aspects of our way of life and charism. The first reflection is on Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

Access the Weekly Reflections here

Distribution of Prayer Cards for the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Throughout El Salvador

Each year, the Carmelites deliver prayer cards for Our Lady of Mount Carmel throughout the entire country of El Salvador. Seven routes were drawn up for five teams to cover on July 1 and 2. Teams comprised of four Carmelites left from both Centro Xiberta Formation House and St. Alberto de Jerusalem Formation House. Two of the routes were specifically for locations with JUCAR (Carmelite Youth Groups). Other routes visited ten or so parishes each day. Cards were left at each location for distribution to the parishioners to celebrate the feast.

“An genuine presence of Our Lady of Mount Carmel is always an occasion of joy, fraternity, and sharing with the community,” said Juan Carlos Meléndez who was professed this past January. Noé Marcelo Girón, who also professed vowed in January of 2023, added, “To celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel is the best way to bring the love that we have to fullness.

The Interesting Story of a Statue of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Huelva, Spain

The story of the beautiful 16th century statue of Our Lady of Mount Carmel maintained in the Carmelite church in Huelva, Spain. The anonymous work is from the Seville school of art. Our Lady is holding a scapular that is contained in a silver reliquary as the scapular was worn by St. Pope John Paul II.

Watch the video here

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We would like to hear how others are celebrating the feast in their local communities or ministries. Please send a short writeup and pictures to the Communications Office (communications@ocarm.org)