Our Carmelite Constitutions call for the establishment of that several General Commissions be established by the Prior General and General Council during each six-year term.
Each Commission consists of a group of people (both Carmelites and others) who are entrusted with a set of responsibilities in a given area, flowing from the Order’s Six Year Global Plan, about which they advise the General Council. The president of each Commission is normally a member of the General Curia. In this way, they assist in the ministry of discernment and guidance for the Order.
These commissions have proven to be valuable as groups of dedicated people reflect on a particular area of the life of the Order and strategize ways in which that aspect of Carmel might be strengthened and renewed.
From time to time, the General Council also establishes various task forces with a view to undertaking some specific projects on their behalf.
Formation Commission
Fosters formation programs on all levels -initial, novitiate, post-novitiate and ongoing in the provinces and Order. Also examines the issue of vocations, formation of formation personnel & criteria for formation in newly emerging entities.
President: Benny Phang Khong Wing, O. Carm.
Formation Commission (Six-Year Plan and Membership)
Gen Z Carmelite International Course 2021
Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Commission
Promotes the integration of prayer, reflection and action inspired by God’s commitment to human wellbeing, especially through transformative action. The Commission promotes greater awareness, clear analysis, and effective action in matters of justice, peace, and integrity of creation.
President: Conrad Mutizamhepo, O. Carm.
Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Commission (Six-Year Plan and Membership)
Carmelite Youth Commission
Has a mission of accompaniment, animation and empowerment of collaborative ministry with young people through the Order.
President: Robert Thomas Puthussery, O. Carm.
Carmelite Youth Commission (Six-Year Plan and Membership)
Finance Commission
Various responsibilities associated with the financial administration of the Order.
President: Christian Körner, O. Carm.
Finance Commission (Six-Year Plan and Membership)
Liturgy and Prayer Commission
Oversees the production of liturgical materials and promotes the liturgical and prayer life of the Order.
President: Richard Byrne, O. Carm.
Liturgy and Prayer Commission (Six-Year Plan and Membership)
General Secretariat for the Laity
Foster and support the vocation and mission of lay Carmelites.
President: Luis José Maza Subero, O. Carm.
General Secretariate for the Laity (Six-Year Plan and Membership)
General Secretariat for the Affiliated Congregations
Foster the participation of the Affiliated Congregations in the life of the Carmelite Family.
President: Luis José Maza Subero, O. Carm.
General Secretariate for the Affiliated Congregations (Six-Year Plan and Membership)
General Coordination of New Foundations Commission
Supports the work of new foundations within the Order through various means.
President: Luis José Maza Subero, O.Carm.
General Coordination of New Foundations Commission (Six-Year Plan and Membership)
Task Force for the reform of the Institutum Carmelitanum
To evaluate and propose an updated structure for the Institutum Carmelitanum.
President: Michael Farrugia, O. Carm.
Communications Commission
The Commission proposes the communications plan to the General Council and supports the development of communications throughout the Order.
President: Richard Byrne, O. Carm.
Communications Commission (Six-Year Plan and Membership)