Carmelites are committed to sharing our spirituality in different ways throughout the world. This includes work at an academic level. As a result, many Carmelite Institutes that have been formally recognised can be found in all the geographical areas of the Order. They normally have official accreditation for the academic awards they offer to their students.
These undertake in-depth studies of Carmelite spirituality and of the history of our Order. They also work to promote the internationality of our Order.
The Institutum Carmelitanum, located at St Albert’s International Centre, has the task of making known the spiritual heritage of Carmel throughout the Order and throughout the modern world. It was established in 1951 by the then Prior General, Kilian Lynch, to promote studies especially in the areas of Carmelite history, Mariology, and spirituality and is now developing into other areas. It produces several publications through the years including an academic journal: Carmelus.
St Albert’s International Centre in Rome is also the home to those Carmelite friars who are undertaking postgraduate studies in Rome. It publishes an annual review called: Stella Maris.
For more information on some of our Carmelite Institutes, please use the links below:
Instituto de Espiritualidade Tito Brandsma – IETB (Recife, Brazil)
An institute providing educational and pastoral services to Latin America through retreat weeks, courses, and assistance to Lay Carmelite groups as well as publications.
Carmelite Institute of Britain and Ireland – CIBI (Britain and Ireland)
The Carmelite Institute of Britain and Ireland (CIBI) is a collaborative initiative of the British and Irish Provinces of Carmelites and the Anglo-Irish Province of Discalced Carmelites. Through the provision of online courses (distance learning) the rich heritage of the Carmelite tradition can be shared world-wide through courses offered at different levels of interest and academic pursuit, from the Certificate in Spirituality course to a Masters in Theology.
Institut Karmel Indonesia – IKI (Malang, Indonesia)
The Carmelite Institute in Indonesia is a centre for research and development of Christian and Carmelite spirituality in the context of Asian religions. The Institute also publishes spiritual books and articles. The Institute also gives retreats, days of recollection, and courses on spirituality.
Titus Brandsma Institute (Nijmegen, Netherlands)
The Titus Brandsma Institute is a scholarly institute established to promote the scholarly study of the guidelines for religious experience and spiritual. While it is located at on the campus of Radboud University, it is an independent research institute founded jointly the Dutch Province of the Carmelite Order and the Catholic University of Nijmegen.
Writings of Titus Brandsma:
The Carmelite Institute of North America (Washington DC, USA)
A cooperative project of the two OCARM provinces and the three OCD provinces of North America.
The Centre for Carmelite Studies at Catholic University of America (Washington DC, USA)
The Centre for Carmelite Studies makes the resources of Carmelite heritage available to the contemporary church and world, by fostering scholarly study and research in the history, culture, and spirituality of the Carmelites, and promoting the effective pastoral application of the results. Among their activities is the development of graduate courses, the promotion of scholarly publications and the organisation of conferences. The endowed Chair of Carmelite Studies and Center for Carmelite Studies are sponsored by the Carmelite Province of the Most Pure Heart of Mary (PCM).
Institute of Spirituality in Asia – ISA (Quezon City, Philippines)
The Institute of Spirituality in Asia promotes the scientific and systematic study of Spirituality in the Philippines and throughout Asia. It offers courses ranging from Certificate short courses on spirituality to Masters and Doctorate programs.
Carmelite Institute (Mdina, Malta)
The Carmelite Institute Malta offers courses in Carmelite Spirituality, Mariology and the study of Mysticism on various levels. The Institute cooperates with the Faculty of Theology of the University of Malta to offer an MA programme in Spirituality and Spiritual Companionship. Students enrolled in this programme may opt to specialize in Carmelite Spirituality.